a chocolate hazelnut spread that is so good it'll make you wanna eat it out of the jar
Jake - Mom do you have a spread i can put on my toast? Perhaps butter?


Jake- I-

Mom- *throws nutella at him*
by chickengirlonhighness September 1, 2020
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A popular twitter handle in the world of 14-24 y/o females. Highly retweeted, mysteriously owned, identifiable by crown symbol.
Girl: OMG I love nutella she is so relatable!!!!!11!
by beecociella065 June 1, 2014
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Not to be confused with the heavenly hazelnut spread Nutella, nutella is

1) a fancy word for nut (to nut) and/or

2) the girl version of nutting.

Pronounced as nuh-tella, contrary to Nutella being new-tella.
*girl sends nudes* rich dude: damn I'm going to nutella

*sexy dude walks by* girl: I'm about to nutella
by AmaranthineFog January 16, 2017
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commonly found in ones food depository, a fucking yummers snack which is great for perkins and is fun in the bedroom

made from hazelnuts and chocolate this spread is god's semen falling down upon us from heaven
"this nutella's gotten all over my cock, help me get it off"
by man with large wanger May 5, 2006
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the act of nutting see nut or bust a nut
She punched me mid stream and I nutella all over her ear.
by paulaner November 20, 2003
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A heavenly hazelnut and chocolate spread, basically sex in a jar.
Man, nutella trumps peanut butter any day.
by AmeliaJane January 29, 2009
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happens when someone eats too much Nutella and dies because of chocolate hazelnut overdose.
she ate sooo much Nutella that she got really sick and the only way we could of saved her was if we had brought her to the right hospital... she got Nutellaitis really fast that night
by hersss December 1, 2010
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