adj.describing vulgarity
by poop April 9, 2005
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A term used to explain the drunkenness of the previous nights antics.

The word 'sass' means alcohol
Bloody hell man, I was so sassed last night it's unreal. I can't even remember the girls who's number I got!

You fancy a session tonight? The fridge is FULL of sass...
by Bennana February 8, 2009
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1.Something a normie like you clearly couldn’t handle.
2.Cheeky attitude.
by Kaaaaaaaaarma June 3, 2018
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A term used to describe an individual's sexual tendencies at a given moment. It is especially attributed to the use of blatant sexual innuendos.
Watch that sass or I'll give you something to be sassy about.
by sasstastic July 17, 2009
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Like Sasserfras this is a term given to ginger people, however it is used when the person is only slightly ginger. Also known as strawberry blonde.
That stupid Sass, look at him... not even a full Sasserfras.
by Bob December 2, 2004
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'Oh Gerd that boa fits you as the sass queen'
search sass queen in google. he's there.
by i am the sass queen April 18, 2011
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