Mohamed is a loving and caring person, but he is small and he wants to grab a RPG and blow up the world. He wants to side with the USSR Russian army and wants to take over the world. He loves his Italians friends such as Tim turek. They want to blow up the world and and they love each other
Mohamed is a GOD at basketball 🏀
by Moemoe81 November 9, 2018
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Mohamed is the name of the man that will steal yo house yo bitch and yo will to live. Mohamed is such a GIGA CHAD like you neva seeenn!
"That guy ruined my Life, how is he so handsome"
"Oh thats because he is MOHAMED"
by RealKronky March 15, 2022
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Mohamed is a kek. But that's not everything you have to know about him. He's a very special person. But don't dare to ask him for his number. Because he is mine. I love youu❤
Mohamed is used in a name
by HiIt'sMeYourSoulmate12345 November 21, 2021
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He is the CRAZIEST person you will meet. he loves to smoke weed every single morning. but, he is a nice gentleman.
"Hi, Mohamed would you like weed?"
"yes, every day at any time."
by njnjnjjnjnnjjnnnnnnnn November 21, 2021
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Mohamed is an Islamic name used in the middle east, southeast Asia, and Northern Africa.
Person: hi, my name is Mohamed.
Other Person: Hi Mohamed.
by aybshzr February 6, 2022
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