1. mother fucker
2. gangsters way of saying mother fucker, because theyre lazy
3. a sneaky and possibly the only polite way to say mother fucker.
4. what me and my friend yell when the bell rings, (try it!)
1. screw you mo fo!
2. haha byotch!- bob
screw you mofo! - joe

3. please move, mofo *sneaky chuckle*
4.*midway through ding* MOFO! *end of ring* hahahahahhah that was funny! oh sh*t deans!
by Bobby Sanchez May 16, 2007
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Stu Mo Fo is short for "Stupid Mother Fucker"
that jerk living in our community just wasted a fortune
buying someone else's headache on wheels..
He's one "Stu Mo Fo"
by Erector Set September 22, 2009
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Secret code name for calling people gay. Without them knowing they are being called gay
you:your homie bird is a Mo Fo Sho
you#2: fo shooo
Bird: what?
You:nothing bird.
by hofoshomobird July 21, 2009
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jay: I smashed your C.D. collection by mistake.
dan: you big testicular mo fo !!
by Robbg August 23, 2006
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when you have done something so asinine and moronic that when something bad is about to happen time seems to slow down to allow you to apriciate just how dumb you and the choice you have made are. used to insult pepole who truly deserve to be in sulted
guy1:dude, i got one of those pocet rocet things for my birthday, I used it to try and jump my pool, but as soon as I relised that i wasn't going to make it... dude it was like time slowed down.

guy2:... Slo-Mo-Fo...
by freak with a pen November 2, 2009
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When a Mo Fo is also a Hoe
Becky: "What did you just call me?"

Isaac: "Not a Mo Fo Hoe, that's for sure"

Mo Fo Hoes
by Wilhelmina January 7, 2017
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A stupid person who really gets on your nerves and acts like a total BITCH. Also is short for CRACK ASS MOTHER FUCKER.
a CA Mo Fo.
by Big Booty Ashley November 3, 2008
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