To not change ones clothes for a lengthy period of time.
Daisy: Are you bringing a change of clothes to Sarah's house?
Laura: Nah I'm going to Mat it.
by Laisy January 3, 2008
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Men are trash- movement stating that men obtain qualities that are making them equal to rubbish. Thus trash.
Friend 1 “He cheated on me”
Friend 2 “This is why I always say MaT”
by Aylaatings February 16, 2018
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Acronym for "Men Are Trash"

A term used to describe men who are, essentially, trash; mainly referring to sexist, misogynistic, and bigoted men or incels.

Includes (but not limited to): men who catcall random women on the street, fuckboys who will lead you on when they are clearly DMing or flirting with other girls, male-coworkers who will interrupt you when you are speaking to "mansplain", etc...

Men who are offended or butthurt by this term are unaware of the male privilege they've had for centuries and getting away with most things women can't in society up to today, hence their male fragility jumping out upon hearing this as they try to convince themselves that any time they respect a woman, they need to be rewarded for it, aka 'Nice Guy Syndrome".
This guy is sliding in my DMs and he has a girlfriend.

Ugh. MAT!
by thiccachu April 22, 2022
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The swedish word for a sacred substance we all require to keep going, to live. It is our purpose. It is our goal.
Person 1: Hey, what is mat?
Person 2: How tf are you alive
by Sushi Coochie September 20, 2021
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Being a flake, the act of saying you will do something and then not doing it
I was supposed to meet Jimmy at Chuck E. Cheese but he's Matting me.
by anthonyman November 25, 2019
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Projectile vomit while running down the hall. Usually followed by "Don't worry I'm ok. I just ate some bad food."
Man, did you see that guy last night? He was Matting EVERYWHERE!!
by juselover November 26, 2010
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1. muh 'ah-teeing (v) : Reinacting the desperate attempt for affection by someone, ideally named Matt.

2. Participating in a somewhat fake conversation to see ones responses . only to reminisce on one's stupidity, :"falling for it".
1. "Okay, the other day i was matting. And I almost pissed my self!"

2. "Let's meet up and mat."
by zeeniox July 12, 2011
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