Someone that wears adidas, and odd future, but doesn’t even own a skateboard. Mani’s can be found anywhere. On the street, at a skate park, in your bedroom, and even at your school. You must avoid manis at all costs. If you let one in your little group, you guys wouldn’t touch a skateboard either. You’ll become manis too.
Cool ni🅱️🅱️a: bro these fucking thrasher shirts are fire af
Cool nigge: same bruh look at it
Mani: ok guys look at my of shirts lol what does of even stand for
by kannon on youtube November 28, 2017
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Not many, quat, sometimes none or lats.
I like you many times.

I've many done my Textbook Steve outers.
by Boys March 19, 2005
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This nigga so fucking fine he got a big ass donkey dick and can lay that mother fuckaon you no cap and don’t cheat on females he date and did I mention that nigga got a elephant dick
Manie “ what’s my name” mannnniieeee
by Manie223 June 5, 2019
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A 'many', can be anything which will eventually or will soon be positive. A 'many' is used in connection with another word(adj) for example 'booze', 'munch', 'chat', 'sex/shag/bone'. This word is often used when its users are drunk/or are trying to be cool. This often leads to the opposite effect which is highly undesirable
Boy: "Am hungry"
Girl: "mm, mee too :( "
Boy: "want to go for something to eat, marcans?"
Girl: "aye, i would like some chips,"
Boy: "fine munch"
Girl: "Many!"
by Oprah182 March 25, 2008
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When Jim and Bob were hanging out, there was a lot of mani going on.
by mclovin22 December 2, 2008
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Used ironically to describe commonly occurring phenomena. The term gained memetic influence after the election of Donald Trump due to a tweet of his from 2014 quoting another user’s tweet with the caption “Many such cases!”
Melanie went from dancing on Tik Tok to running an OnlyFansMany such cases!”
by SouthernUrbanAnon June 7, 2022
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Term that describes a large quantity of monkeys.
Wow, that zoo had many a monkey!
by Spraybottlesnowmen August 24, 2010
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