a teacher that never misses a day of school or who has smart ass remarks to counter smartass remarks.
god Mr. Ramerez is such an iron man he never misses a day of school
by big tim August 24, 2004
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When a girl wont have sex with you or just for fun, you wait till their sleeping, take a dildo and cover it with super glue, then shove it up their ass. When they try and walk they will be all stiff because of the dildo and look like a robot!!
That hoe wouldnt let me tap that ass so I did an iron man on her.
by nndk September 22, 2007
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a smart avenger who dies in the movie endgame and uses the gauntlet to kill thanos.
"and I'm Iron Man."
by huntgotgame May 6, 2019
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Applies only to lefties. This occurs when a left-handed person gets a lot of graphite "residue" on the left side of his/her palm when writing for an extended period time. The graphite that goes onto the paper smudges onto the lefty's hand. It can get quite annoying.
Bro, I got total Iron Man from writing that English paper today.
by Greenday4500 February 1, 2011
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Someone who is entirely badass. an Iron Man has no fears, no worries, no sorrows. An Iron Man isnt an animal, its a beast. Totally could beat a BAMF in a street fight.
John: Oh my that guys tough.

Jake: Yeah, hes a total BAMF.

John: No, better yet. hes an Iron Man.
by PastyMuffin March 7, 2010
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What you call someone with a metal plate in their body, primarily the face/skull, often used when the person was severely beat up, resulting in the plate being put in.
Also used as "Iron Manned", as a past-tense verb, or "Iron Manning" as a present tense.
"Did you hear what happened to Marcus? He got stomped out. He had to go the hospital...they put a metal plate in his face."
"Damn.....that nigga got Iron Manned."
by Ole' Lefty March 11, 2010
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