only the cutest prettiest and coolest person in the world!
that girl totaly wishes she was as cool as madie
by Alex March 28, 2005
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Madie is an amazing person. She loves fashion. Everyone wants to copy her style. She is also very pretty. Boys are just coming after her. Madie is the BOMB.
I didn't know what to wear to this super awsome party last night so i phoned Madie and asked for her opinion.
by Chiquita Girl October 2, 2011
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A very sweet person, who is pretty. She is small and very tan. A very smart, and atheletic person. She is baller and a stud muffin. All in one. Try to beat that.
Kid 1: "Who's that legit girl?"

Kid 2: "You don't know who that is?! That's Madi!!!!"
by a kid 23 April 3, 2011
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super fun girl who is toatally hot! she also is super gifted at doing make-up!
i want to handg out with a mady today!
by lala 17 June 3, 2008
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Madi... a Person who loves life. Who is greatful for much. A person who does not like taking from others. A person.... a awesome, cool,funny,weird, nice person.

" A Madi" is something to love, and befriend.
Heyy look!
Over there! Theres a Madi!
Wow! I wanna be her friend!
Ohh you sure do! Shes Awesome!
by abcedefghijklmnopqrustuwxyz November 29, 2010
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the best friend a girl can have....... I LOVE YOU MADI!!
by american citizen99999999999999 December 29, 2011
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Nickname for Madeline. Madi is, perhaps, the perfect girl. She is short and blonde with beautiful blue eyes. Usually of German descent, she is naturally beautiful and needs no makeup to show it, despite her occasional protests. Not just physically attractive, Madi is beautiful on the inside as well, with a personality to melt the hearts of men the world over. She is very intellectual, neat, and well-organized. Madi is one of those people you meet and immediately know "This girl is going somewhere." If you're lucky enough, you'll get to come along for the ride. Madi is an extremely kind and caring girl, one who has many good friends--she is admired by many, although she is too humble to realize it. Loyal and loving, she is the absolutely ideal girlfriend, and any guy would be extremely lucky to have her. Madi listens to good music, such as Rush and the Foo Fighters, and enjoys eating a lot, despite her diminutive stature. Her laugh is the most heartwarming human action known to man, and her pure goodness radiates from every straight, white tooth in her beautiful smile. Unfortunately, true Madis are very hard to find, but if and when you've got one, she's worth holding on to, no matter what. I love mine to death.
At a Black Tie Event, in the future:

Man: "Good evening James, how do you do?"
James: "Ah, very well sir, and yourself?"
Man: "Quite well. Who, may I inquire, is the lovely lady with whom you are attending tonight?"
James: "Ah, you must mean my beloved, Madi!"
Man: "You've won the heart of a Madi? Commendations, good sir, you are one of but a lucky few."
James: "Thank you kindly. I consider myself blessed each and every day to have won over the most beautiful and perfect girl on this Earth. I hope she may feel the same about me."
by Biffy Clyro December 16, 2011
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