luna is very hot chick honestly u just wanna make out with her all day she is so hot she is so hot she is AWPSWOWSHWOSHWOWPHSWPS
omg look at that hot chick over there I just wanna passionately make out with her.
person: omg true! WHAT a Luna!
by lunassimp November 23, 2021
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name of the moon goddess in greek mythology

popular first name for girls and common last name

comparable to the moon, it is a romantic name to call someone you feel love towards. Like the moon these people show only phases in their nature and attention to them is needed to truly see what the whole of their nature looks like. Guidance to those in the dark i.e. moths wolves owls etc. quirky klutzy and all around fun.
Luna slowly shows her sides to you like the moon that hangs above us.

Luna is a common trip while walking in an empty room.

Luna guides me like a moth to the moon.
by rcj89 February 3, 2010
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Luna, traces back to Roman mythology.

The most amazing, sweet, adorable, pretty, smart girl! She is a goddess of a person and is also seen as very shy and can't accept compliments. She should never be treated wrong, and is always the better person.
"Luna, how are you today?" Asked her mother in a concerned tone.
by E.R KENDALL September 22, 2020
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Luna is a very shy and quiet girl. Even if she is in alot of pain she tries to put on a smile so other people dont worry about her. Lunas have crushed on a lot of boys in the past. Luna's are really smart and only get straight A's.
Luna as in moon in spanish
by Tommk2 February 29, 2020
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Usually the name of a person with a spirit wolf, Very good in bed, very good kisser, usually Wiccan, not very tall at all but she has a big personality, gets along with Degarem really well, even if Luna and Degarem are just friends, they will fall for eachother eventually, even if they are not in love, they are usually best friends, Luna can also be a spirit wolf usually owned by a person named Lindsey
Hey Matt?
where did Luna and Degarem go?
by Luna Gemini Wolf July 16, 2012
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A very salty and dramatic girl who plays too much roblox
Luna is so salty omfg
by Fuck oof March 13, 2018
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Luna is strong, badass yet sweet and kind if there is a mean girl she’ll stand up to them.Luna has platinum blonde hair and bright green and blue eyes she’s also quite pale with straight hair and no freckles and will usually wear a green jumper with leggings and white Adidas superstars.
by TheMoonTheSunTheSky June 27, 2018
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