a werid uwu pickme guy who loves to do nothing but procrastinate about women. he is also a uwu girl and a feminist
Oh look theres a Jaydon Lau
by gwcoolkid March 7, 2022
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Master Yau brought the style to Britain when he came here in 1961. In 1972 the British Kung Fu Association was set up, and Master Yau being the current keeper of the Lau Gar style was invited to be chief instructor. Subsequently Lau Gar has become Britain's most popular (and widespread) form of Chinese boxing.
"man are you ok? you've been in the toilet for a while..
by Jimbo December 8, 2004
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chinese dialect, meaning shucks, or something u say when u r pissed off. usually used at the beginning of a sentence.

used commonly by teenagers ( well, mostly those who dont give a damn to the 'speak good english' campaign ) in singapore and malaysians.

sometimes ppl use 'wapiang' instead. 'wa lau' sounds more crude.
wa lau, so much hmwk?!
by my name. March 21, 2005
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An asian sound describing pain, pleasure, denial, or happiness.
1.) -Stubs toe- "Buk-Lau!"
2.) -Seeing hot person- "Buk-Lau!"
3.) -Less than A on report card, sobbing.- "Buk-Lau!"
4.) -Eating bowl of Rice.- "Buk-Lau!"
by AsianNoises August 9, 2010
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Hawaiian for Sexual Intercourse
Let's hooky lau on the beach.
by gophomaxx December 10, 2016
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you are so lau bau
by beo2 November 12, 2020
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A man with a massive head who sweats bedwars and has a 10,000 FKDR, he always switches between 10 alternative accounts to not lose any FKDR. He spent 1 million USD on MVP++ for all of his friends. His only known diet is Garlic Bread and Apple Juice.
You're such an Edmond Lau
by EarthT531 November 17, 2021
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