The sweetest girl! She is beautiful, charming, loquacious, silly, and still manages to do her best while being the best person she can be. She is patient, she is kind, everyone loves her!
See that girl, over there? She's so nice, she must be a Lanee!
by three oh one November 15, 2010
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A lane is something lots of fan girls/boys use to show who they are currently obsessing over.
Stan= your fave celeb and you obsess and know everything about them_
Mindy: did you see beyonce’s New insta pic?
Sarah: yep! I’m in her LANE!
Jasmine: I don’t know who I stan.

Sarah: OMG jasmine get in a lane!
by Istansatan January 3, 2018
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a sweet caring shy boy who is quite attractive. he's shy and is very polite. he plays football basketball baseball and runs track. if you have a crush talk to him cause he might not talk to you first he has mesmerizing brown eyes and will have you freeze up when you talk to him. if you know a lane you are dearly blessed
by Hannah's April 15, 2015
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The hobby of driving green lanes or unsurfaced roads usually with a 4x4 or trail motorcycle. Mainly UK English.
I am going out to do some laning today.
by Bod February 5, 2004
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Laning someone is often used in tornumant paintball on a feild of super air.
Laning normaly occurs off the break.
You shoot where a person is going to run so they run into your line of fire, thus, getting them out.
-Did you see us laning your team, thats why 3 of your guys went out stright away..did none of the balls burst on you?
- yeh. i just wiped them off :)
by Alexxautopsy January 2, 2008
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