shit or poop, to shit, or shat or shitting.
1) Oh man i just lanced my pants!
2) Who lanced and didnt flush?
3) Ha Ha lance the bed!
4) Dude your house smells like lance
5) Man i gotta lance so bad
by toomey hahaha <3 September 10, 2008
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A car obsessed guy, who thinks he knows everything about everything. Never pays back any money he borrows. Most commonly enjoys larger than normal portions of women, and of food.
Usually is referenced to someone being really cocky or full of himself even if he already is a large person.

Hey he hasn't paid me back yet, its been like 4 weeks. He's such a lance. He's probably broke because of his expensive girlfriend and his damn ford.

by David crocket anderson July 10, 2008
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The cool ninja sharpshooter. Occasionally sad bisexual blue boy. Also Keith Kogone’s sexy top . Former blue paladin, currently the red lion’s pilot .
The names Lance, we were in the same class at the Garrison.”
by Loser_Fangirl_From_Space_ August 13, 2018
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Could be compared to a noob or a lewser but still loveable.
Lance is such a noob but I still like to hangout with him.
by The_Sad_Banana December 31, 2011
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A manly stick, an erect penis, a bone.
Suck on my lance and choke on my nuts bitch, cocked and loaded!
by me_idiot May 6, 2006
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A gay bootyhole with a fat ass. Likes seagulls and loves black girls. Mostly into penises though

Can I borrow your cock jerry
That boy with the big booty, that’s lances big favorite snack
by Lance Of nature October 15, 2020
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Lance is typically a midget with a small dick and thinks he can get every girl in the world. however, he's also charming with a lot of joy and doesn't give a shit about other people's problems. Despite his height, he can still intimidate people twice his size.
" we better move before lance makes us do it!"
by roggy doggy February 10, 2017
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