To be excited for Home Depot's 30% off low flow toilet event.
Question: Is it lame that I'm excited for Home Depot's 30% off low flow toilet event?
Answer: Yes. Yes it is.
by chump2121 August 12, 2010
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Something that is extremely boring or bad; something that appears to be the source of all lameness. See the suck.
"These graphics suck, this game is totally the lame."
by Seph November 5, 2002
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Jon: "How was the movie?"

Jack: "Tom Cruise. Lame. Same difference."
by norskflikka August 28, 2010
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Stupid, retarded or something otherwise unable to grasp your respect.
That class was lamer than F.D.R.
by Shannon November 30, 2004
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Noun; 1. A person who is fake. Someone who pretends to be your friend but talks shit behind your back

2. A hater
1.Man ronni is a lame.. he told jessica to not get with me me

2. That dude is a lame he is always talking shit on me
by Young Khalifa January 23, 2010
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By definition this a lame, but worse. This generally happens when a younger sister thinks she is not lame, but truly is lame.
Emily thinks she is not lame, but she is a Lamee all day
by Masta_HighRolla October 21, 2014
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