n. someone who always has to pass gas; or someone who uses your restroom and then proceeds to crap uncontrollably all over the floors, tub, sink, hand towels, etc.

I hate when people LP my bathroom
by Anonymous March 13, 2003
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Short for Les Paul. A guitarist whose name is adopted by Gibson for a type of guitar it produced.

Alongside the Fender Stratocaster/ strat is the two most recognizeable guitar shape.
I just bought a Black LP from eBay for $1300!
by Yngwie Malmsteen July 1, 2004
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Did u hear the new lps album?
Yeah it wasnt my kind of thing
by *charlie* October 27, 2006
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"Man, I ate some tacos earlier and now I have the LP's!"
by focusman November 8, 2006
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I Lps are toys you can play with wow
Me:u like Lps

Girl:? What r Lps

Me:toys look it up

by I like gacha May 24, 2021
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LpCertified is a American artist know for his hits "drillin" and "broken"
Lp Certified is the best artist out
by Hellstorm666 June 14, 2019
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LP is banger af. Used to describe a fiend in many rooms in the house. Wears khaki pants and collects gender-neutral trading cards.
My gf is so LP The Banger!

Dude!! I gust got a 1/1 Gender-Neutral Trading Card! It's hella LP The Banger.
by TheOGDaddy January 19, 2017
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