Code name given to the p.a of high flying businessmen with whom they are having a secret affair. Commonly used through the means of blackberry messenger
"Mr b, you have a 7.30 appointment with missy kissy on tuesday"
by brookrz March 3, 2010
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An immature way of saying "making out" (kissing), usually used in a derogatory way.
She just wants to make kissy face.
by Jonah Falcon April 25, 2005
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A female seductress who has mastered the art of kissing and is revered by all who experience such bliss.
When I felt her lips on me, I knew then that Kate was a Kissy Goddess!
by OTC_Spirit August 11, 2006
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a proper noun. kissy itself can be used as an adjective. kissy purse is an under the arm handbag. most commonly known for holding make-up, drugs or small animals.
OOH, we can get miss kissy purse for miss tiny critter, miss sugar-glider!
by jonikins January 1, 2008
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To kiss your fist and then raise it to a close friend and receive one in turn, a bond of never ending friendship.
Twat no 1. "Lets's be BFF'S"
Twat no 2. "OKAY!"
Twat no1. *Kissy fists in number 2's direction*
Twat no.2 *Returns kissy fist with his/her own kissy fist*
by Maddy Bisset January 28, 2012
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A hallmark of Guido culture. It is the act of making a "kissy face" whenever a camera is nearby, annoying the hell out the picture taker, unless he or she subscribes to Guidoism and approves of such weird facial behavior.

This skill is inherent in the Guido genes, and thought by some to be an involuntary reaction to the sight of a camera. Typically it is accompanied by some hand gesture known only within the Guido culture.

For examples and images, I would direct you to the website for a more comprehensive list of images.
"Oh my God, Mike is making that damn Guido Kissy Face again! He is ruining all of my pictures!"
by Mang Now! January 27, 2010
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Victor (from Yuri!! On Ice) has a moment were he kisses people and this is known among the yuri on ice community as a Victor Kissy Lips moment. This is an important nickname as it specifies Victors has moments were he kisses people eg: Yuri

Victor kissy lips can also be uses in scenes were he is being sexual or nude
Weeb 1:You watched Yuri on ice??
Weeb 2:Yes what is the best Victor Kissy Lips moment in it, of course in your opinion
Weeb 1: Oh i LOVE the hot springs moment where you can see his a$$
Weeb 2: same!!
by VictorKissyLipsFan January 13, 2021
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