Japanese word for "honourable death by dishonourable singing". Hari-karaoke is literally dying of shame by poorly performing a song during a bout of karaoke.
She commited hari-karaoke with her rendition of Michael Jackson's Beat It
by Ross 'Dex' Currie September 25, 2009
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A person, guy or gal, who loves karaoke so much they will do it anywhere, any place, any time.
Wow, Suzie is singing karaoke here too? She really is a karaoke slut!!
by Kados March 6, 2008
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When a karaoke singer directs the meaning of his / her chosen song at a member of the audience or person within their party. The lyrics are sung with raw emotion and the performance is often accessorized with fist clenches, forward lunges and stolen glances. Typical themes include unrequited love, a secret love affair and “I hate you”.
Heartbroken over the discovery of Cliff's infidelity, Vanessa took to aggressive karaoke singing Carrie Underwood’s "Before He Cheats" while making eye contact with Cliff the entire song.
by bartinkus November 11, 2011
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When you're hitting it from behind, you grab her hair & bunch it up like a microphone, & scream ironic song lyrics in her ear. Then you run away like Axl Rose when he hears the ding of his burrito in the microwave.
Last night, I totally have my girlie a karaoke Drive-by, & I ran all the way to Mc Donald's.
by PunkRockGeek March 11, 2017
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Strategically placing the word "fuck" into karoake songs
Jeff singing-"I fucking need you now tonight. I fucking need you more than ever."

Joel-When you sang "I need you tonight", that wasn't good karaoke, that was good fucking karaoke.
by badkider June 12, 2010
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Intentionally choosing an extraordinarily long song to perform at a Karaoke Club or during a Karaoke Party/Night as a means to block others from participating in said Karaoke.
That guy's performance of Meatloaf's "I would do anything for love" was a total karaoke filibuster.
by swag99 April 30, 2010
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A socially awkward outcast who sings karaoke because it's the only thing that makes them feel appreciated. These people arrive 30 minutes early so they can be the first to sing. They require lots of attention so they usually sing more songs than anyone else. You can identify a karaoke diva easily because they start distracting the KJ as they're setting up, giving them tips on how to do their own job. The karaoke diva has no friends. They usually like to sing obscure songs that nobody has and then they like to complain about it. They're the most high maintenance person in the bar. They always complain about the sound, the microphones, the song version, and every little detail. They usually bring their own illegally downloaded CDs, which are scratched and don't play. This is just another thing they like to complain about. The karaoke diva expects perfection beyond perfection. They have their own opinion of how the show should be run, and if you make one mistake, they lose their temper. They confront the KJ and tell them how horrible they are, then they go to the manager and complain about how unfair the KJ is, in spite of the fact that they sang more songs than everyone else and didn't even tip. They are determined to leave the bar angry and complaining. They are never satisfied. Yes ladies and gentlemen, that is the exact definition of a karaoke diva. There are a lot of them out there, and they will find you.
I'm sorry Yvonne. The only complaint I had all night was from this guy Jeff, but it wasn't my fault. He's just a karaoke diva.
by KJ Tommy November 2, 2013
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