A describing word implying the positive application of someone who believes in true equality.
"Hey Schtavn my son is a total jum, he slapped his girlfriend and her boyfriend"
by Jumboing February 12, 2022
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The word cum but with J instead of C. It is used to express a huge load seamen that can’t be expressed by just saying cum. Usually used in a sentence where other words start with J that arnt supposed to.
“God I can’t wait to get home and Jum in the joilet.”
Babe stop I’m gonna Jum inside you.”
by Jummer boy March 9, 2022
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Something that pewvs like
by Hhast February 24, 2021
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A person whose mission is it to jumm, jumming is the act of stroking ones ding dong
by Meat itteruptted June 23, 2023
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When you Cum, Lactate, Poop, Pee, Squirt, and Vomit at the same time
Person 1: bro I was jumming hard last night
Person 2: dude what the fuck
by Big man1001 February 25, 2023
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Someone who's pretty lame. Not cool.
Dude: "Hey who switched on me?"
Woman: "Oh, it was Oliver."
Dude: "Ugh, what a friggin' Jum Knucker."
by crayonpuff March 6, 2022
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