verb. The combination of the two words owned and jewed.
A person getting jewed, and thus owned.
Corban: Man, the apartment complex kept all of out deposit even though there was nothing wrong with it!

Dallas: Yeah, we got joned!
by hidden lawyer April 10, 2006
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it's like owned, but more intense. also j0w3d
1. you just got joned!
2. total jonezer man!!
by eBrian March 21, 2003
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That cali bud made me super joned. I couldn't even walk.
by joner5000 December 9, 2010
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A Man who masturbates frequently in the washrooms of schools or other public areas. HE is also bad at conceiling the fact that he waxes the puppy requently.
Yo, that guy pulled an A-Jones.
by Johny Oobla October 13, 2006
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To be owned or even pwned, by a short welsh maths teacher by the name of Mr. Jones.
Player 1: Jesus man, you just got Joned!
Player 2: Aww man

Player 1: Hahaha, I Joned you good and proper
Player 2: Don't use that terminology, it freaks me out man .

Player 1: Woohoo, you just got Joned!
Player 2: *Scared* oh my god he's in this very room!
by Tayla13 March 29, 2008
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