Player: Hey, coach i bet you could really jimp back in the day.
Coach: I would keep fresh undies around and look foward to the jimp!
by Gramp Grizz February 6, 2009
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One who drinks coffee, plays the guitar, and smokes cigarettes...
Oh shit, its Jimping. whats up man?
by Toekzy McVeigh December 15, 2004
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a short, bearded kiss up that gets nothing done but double talks his way into a position of accomplishment; a brown nosing wannabe
That guy is a no-good jimp!
by Pernie November 5, 2003
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On July 5 2020 Jimpsup something Jr got roblox and we celebrate this moment because it's a moment in time that we should all cherish
"Are you celebrating national jimps gets roblox day? because i sure am"
by stream nicki July 5, 2020
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this basically means jizz in my pants, I'm jizzing in my pants.

This is acronym

I- in

M- my

P- pants

relates to awesome song jizz in my pants
Hey bro, I'm so jimping over that girl

bro i just ate a grape and im jimpin
by jimpin May 30, 2022
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JIZZ (ED) in my pants!...The new official abbreviation for the beloved Jizz in my pants phrase that we are all using ever so often.
Dude that was amazing i just JIMP!!!
by YOUR MOM!!!1242 May 9, 2009
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To 'jizz in one's pants'.
Derived from the Lonely Island song 'Jizz In My Pants'.
Used when
a) you actually jimp
b) when you see a very attractive female (known as a jimper or jimpable)
c) when you eat the ends of a Kit-Kat Chunky
by jimper May 29, 2010
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