Jadenism is the belief that you are god. You created this universe that best fits the lesson you’re supposed to learn in this life. You are a cell(God) or archkronos (a bad god). Once you die this world ends and you begin anew. Everyone is not real but a pigment of this world.
You hear about Steve, he believes in jadenism.
by Father Cell November 18, 2018
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If you meet a Jaden man your lucky. He’s dirty, that’s the first but he’s really kind and nice. He’s secretly a dork but most of the time really popular. Many girls love him he’s a lover boy. He’s a keeper for sure.
Girl 1: I wish Jaden was my boyfriend!
Girl 2: he’s my boyfriend.
Girl 1: imma bout to steal
by dumbfucks.0 March 10, 2020
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jaden? their only mean to you because he thinks your fun to be around. their probably not the most attractive person, but boy will they win you over with their sense of style. they are one of the funniest person you’ll meet. jadens are smart as shit. jadens who are male, have a huge d*ck. or at least they say they do. jadens who are female, have more guy friends the they have girl friends. why? because they feel they connect better with guy friends then they do with girls friends. anyways, don’t loose a jaden !
girl 1: so what’s the name of your boyfriend?
girl 2: jaden

girl 1: i think i’m boutta steal
girl 2: don’t try he’s loyal asf
by jeisjahaha November 2, 2019
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a super hot and chill guy. he tends to do a lot of drugs but un the end he's a nice person. he can be fun to hang out with and can understand you. jaden's also tend to have large dicks
omg have you seen Jaden's dick. it's HUGE
jaden, you do too many drugs
by Mirlette December 4, 2018
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Quiet guy that plays the violin. And piano. And some other instrument.
He’s quiet.
And when he speaks it’s like a surprisingly deep voice
Jaden speak up
by Apple_601 August 30, 2022
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Jaden is a very beautiful boy he will never get angry unless you do something to him he will always protect his friends and more
People will be like I need a jaden in my life

by JStarz January 17, 2020
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A really pretty girl like cool hilarious and nice pretty demanding but she makes up for it And is the one u want to be in a squad with
Person 1: is that a jaden woo i want wanna be in her squad
Person 2: but im ugly and musty

Person 3: everyone wants to be a jaden
by YO MUSTINESS January 16, 2015
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