3 definitions by dumbfucks.0

Dontei is tall, fun, loving, and protective person to know. He will listen and understand you in the worst times and he'll make you feel better in less then a second. Dontei tries to be a tough guy hardcore man in front of his friends but once he's with his family and girl he turns to the softest person in the world, wouldn't hurt a fly once he's near her or family members. Dontei is friends with everyone, he's the talk of the town, once he with his homies he's a different person, the life of the party. He's also really smart, just doesn't show it sometimes because he doesn't want to lose his tough guy persona but he's a total nerd once it comes to words and their definitions. He's also really sensitive with emotions, he may act like he's alright but always make sure he's really okay, he doesn't like to bother you. If you find Dontei, keep him, he's a keeper.
Sasha: I know, he's my boyfriend
by dumbfucks.0 December 6, 2021
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Omrie is misunderstood, she’s seen as a ruthless controlling bitch but behind the scenes she’s more then that. Omrie is a hard worker, always taking care of her siblings while her mother does her nails, Omrie has amazing friends and a wonderful boyfriend. She plays a character in front of everyone, she’s really a nice outgoing girl but because of everything she does she can’t express her true self. If you ever find yourself a Omrie make sure she’s happy and honest to herself and others.
Sophia: Omrie is so funny and nice

Mariah: She is, shes one of my best friends 😌
by dumbfucks.0 July 7, 2021
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If you meet a Jaden man your lucky. He’s dirty, that’s the first but he’s really kind and nice. He’s secretly a dork but most of the time really popular. Many girls love him he’s a lover boy. He’s a keeper for sure.
Girl 1: I wish Jaden was my boyfriend!
Girl 2: he’s my boyfriend.
Girl 1: imma bout to steal
by dumbfucks.0 March 10, 2020
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