Izzy is an amazing person who you'll always want to be around. She can always cheer you up when you're down. She's very funny and attentive, and a genius at that too.

But beware gentlemen, she is like the mythical Sirens. She can lure any one of you in with charm, but in the end you'll lose to another. In the end you lose.

I wish my friends was more like an Izzy, then we'd be partying hardcore

You need an izzy to cheer ya

Bro dont think to much into it, she's and Izzy

Yea it turned out to be an Izzy :(

oh that was an Izzy, what has she done to him?
by clairol564895123 January 6, 2014
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There are two types of izzys in this world... the tall ones and the short ones, both equally weird but you have to love that about them or they will come into your house at 3am and drag your body into the middle of a corn field
James:"my girlfriend is called Izzy"
Gordon: "which type?"
by John john-Smith Smith August 31, 2020
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The most amazing person ever, so kind and beautiful. She’s beautiful inside and out. She’ll always light up your day and put a smile on your face. She’s so caring and she’ll always be there with you through anything, she never fails to make you laugh and that’s why you’ll love her, forever and always!💓
by Becky Robbins October 3, 2018
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Stradlin, Izzy. Original rhythm guitarist of brilliant band Guns And Roses. When he quit it was the beginning of the end for the band. His creative contributions to the band were very important and are often overlooked.
Slash and Izzy were one wicked pair.
by Frankie G June 1, 2004
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A beautiful girl with a beautiful name. she is smart, cute and funny. she laughs at almost everything and has a great laugh. she makes any guy's day when she smiles. she is overall an amazing girl who everyone should have as a friend. she only deserves the best guy who will treat her right.
Boy1: have you met Izzy?
Boy2: Yeah, she's so pretty and amazing!
by smart boiiii January 26, 2017
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Izzy she's a flippen crack head and is an absolute dick she is a beautiful person on the inside and is very outside the box and is in a relationship with her bed but it doesn't love her back which is sad but reality her cameroll is full of meme cos she has no life with is also sad but I guess she's alright
See thy girl izzy
Katie:yhere I see her
Amy:bet she's a right crackhead that can't stay serious is any situation
by Kit kat wonker 😜 April 16, 2020
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literally the best sweetest nicest most amazing person ever. she's the kind of person that you want to hug and she's very aesthetic and her style is so cuteee <3
by yoitszadie December 29, 2022
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