a half white half mexican sexy ass mf with a thick juicy ass that loves Hentai
damnnnn hes really horny he must be Sam Hobbs!
by the white beaner April 9, 2022
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The best Damn comic ever made to fulfill the hearts of other with the two best minds ever... Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin: “When a kid grows up, he has to be something. He can’t just stay
the way he is. But a tiger grows up and stays a tiger why is that?”

Hobbes: “No room for improvement."

Calvin: “Of all the luck, my parents had to be humans.”

Hobbes: “Don’t take it too hard. Humans provide some very important protein.” -Calvin and Hobbes
by ICanBuildASpaceship September 22, 2015
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Hobbs NM is a shitty town, filled with stuck up, scrawny fuckbois who do nothing but perm their hair, acting like they’re super cute. Some wannabe gang members also live here, acting like they from the hood, nah bitch go to Mexico you won’t last a day there. Some 16 year old girls who got inspired by “16 and pregnant”. There’s also some dumbass beaners with their dropped trucks that are obnoxiously loud and annoying and are not cute whatsoever. Overall, not a fun place to be, -10/10 would recommend.
Friend 1: Hey man, have you heard of Hobbs NM?
Friend 2: oh yeah that place blows, but the girls there blow more if you get what I’m saying
Friend 1: Oof hell yeah
Friend 2: Nah man, they also got hella STD’s
by Eps.11 March 7, 2020
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Jesus or an Orgasm in a book. The closest equivalent of this is sex or bingeing on several pounds of chocolate, cookie dough, McDonalds, and several joints.
Never argue with a six year old who shaves.
by purple jesus June 19, 2005
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a stupid fucking whore that does nothing but fuck ugly ass guys for weed and claims she’s pregnant all the time. she thinks she can take everyone’s man with her rat face and she thinks she can whoop everyone. she’s also the biggest crack whore in kentucky. ima show this destiny bitch she can’t whoop shit😂🙏🏽
destiny hobbs is a whore.
by dickslayer420 February 24, 2019
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Fabulous man, still a cunt though. He is a smart, swaggy kid but should fucking die.
Total fucking scrub
My best mate is such a James Hobbs ;)
by cheekycunt6969 April 20, 2015
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a little goblin who can’t back up any of the shit he talks and tries to act cool in front of girls
If u wanna fight me, you gotta stop acting like a jake hobbs
by Kebdkzn February 16, 2020
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