A form of Anime which perverts Human History.
One of their most disgusting features is trying to put all Anime things into historical events.
You can see "Historical Crap Anime" in films or shorts with these weird Anime-like characters wearing
Nazi uniforms but still sporting long hair and features so prevalent in that sort of crap. Anime history also shows Ancient Romans and medieval knights or even French sans-culottes in anime form like wearing armour that resembles Kingdom Hearts armour and stuff.

They also disregard all historical accuracy just to show that in the realm of culture...Anime Rules.

by Bengal lancer March 16, 2009
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An obviously unrequited love for a historical figure.
My co-workers hooked up because he looks like Abraham Lincoln, her historic crush.
by RwjKnowsStuff January 17, 2017
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To like or have strong feelings for someone for a really, really long time.
"So Amber you're friends with Kyle?"
"Yea, why?"
"Tiffany has had a Historic Crush on him since like 3rd grade, maybe you can introduce them?"
by UES_queen14 June 12, 2019
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Fat and a small penis. Back in the day, being fat meant you were rich and could support a women and ancient people's adored small penises. This make you attractive in the past but not now
Donald Trump is Historically Attractive
by John mojo January 30, 2021
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Fat and a tiny penis. Back in the day fat guys were attractive because they had money to buy lots of food, so they could support a family, and ancient men were prized for having a small penis. Thus meaning your are attractive in the past but not now
Donald Trump is Historically Attractive
by John mojo January 30, 2021
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a historically near-sighted person is someone who can only remember recent history, wether it be in the recent few centuries or even just the recent few years.
July 4, John: do you realize that a year ago today we had to use bread slices instead of buns for hot dogs?
Bob: do you also that realize today is when america became independent? John: REALLY? Bob: yes, its taught in history class. John: oh, sorry, i didn't know that becuase im historically near-sighted.
by d00dd00d February 5, 2010
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The old, legendary memes that started the entire meme culture. Original memes, but older. The foundation of all meme.
Guy 1: dude i just found a meme
Guy 2: what was it?
Guy 1: Kilroy was here, it was scrabbled in my locker
Guy 2: you just found a historic meme, my friend
by Unsanitairy Sibling Murderer September 18, 2016
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