1. a rural person

2. a southern Appalachian hill dweller
Those hillbillys are such losers.
by Light Joker May 19, 2006
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Retarted americans that shoot guns belive in the kkk drink booze all the time. Fuck sheep missing most all their teeth drive crappy trucks with big tires while fuckin their sister. Their hobbys are let's see who stinks worse, shoot the skunk, eat roadkill, don't wipe your ass cause it's fun,taste grandmas pussy,hold up a wal-mart,lets not cut the lawn,leave trash for the coons so we can eat em,my dad is really grandpa,burn the outhouse cause it full,yahoo elvis,and what is it.
great a fuckin hillbilly moved next door guess ill be listing to a bango 24-7.
by tube666 November 18, 2006
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anyone who lacks suffistication, and hates city people
i am a hillbilly
by justinsmith September 7, 2003
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Someone or Family that has more cars up on blocks in their front yard, Than they do in the driveway. Nasty old junk in the yard. Someone that never takes down the Christmas lights.
Poor Hillbilly got 4 cars in the yard.
Rich Hillbilly got 8!
Hey Billy my girfriend got fo teeth, Hell that ante nutthin mines got ate.
by PerryDog January 8, 2007
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poor hick in West Virgina who likes incest
The hillybilly likes cousin lovin'
by Lo!s!er October 15, 2003
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Person from deep South with low IQ and poorly educated. Close cousin to the Redneck and Hick. Most commonly found in the hills. Hillbillies commonly have southern accents.
President George W. Bush.

"How come every internet adress begins with Dubya?"
by someguy564 March 11, 2005
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Also known as a small town hick or a red neck. Sometimes has missing teeth, drinking problems, and sometimes even three wives. They drive trucks and live in the country. Estimated babies per family: 5. Most comonly used name: Ricky.
Don't worry about them, they just a couple of hillbilly's
by Halley Mcgreger September 2, 2010
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