Where someone, whether purposely or accidentally takes too many sleeping pills and doesn't wake up.

too soon?
heath it:

Hey man, did you hear about that new guy at work, I think he's in critical condition.

Nah man, he died from too many pills... that guy totally heathed it!
by Jordan P March 19, 2008
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Getting caught treating your dick as an amusement park with your motivation being your mother.
" Hey Dude, last night I got heathed by my girlfriend right when I was gonna blow my spunk".
by Phat Boys April 1, 2004
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To heath is to always break things unintentionally.
I tried to repair my bike but now it is Heathed.
by thehof December 9, 2011
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They stunned her, and stripped off her garments, and lastly
They stuffed her inside a kind of a pod;
And then it was that Millicent Frastley
Was sacrificed to The Insect God.
by Rolfy May 10, 2004
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To have sex while standing up in a chair.
aye yo dog i was just heathing the shit outcho girl
by truffdog December 30, 2011
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A noun, proper noun, adjective, pronoun, adverb and sometime verb. from Heath Robinson the draftsman of over-elaborate and unnecessarily complicated inventions.
That duck tape and wire coat hanger repair on your ford fiesta is totally heath.
You are a fucking heath for tripping over that dog shit and breaking your leg.
You should have seen the heathness going on at that car boot sale.
I was heathing about on a roundabout when I got pulled by the fuzz.
by Heath Robinson July 24, 2008
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