The unwanted build-up of people standing/mingling in hallways of schools, offices, and public places that causes restriction of the flow of people.
"Sorry I was late Mr. Turnbaum, I got caught up behind some Hallway Cholesterol."

"Due to the amount of hallway cholesterol at my school, I have been late to class every day this week."
by ParCib9494 October 18, 2011
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A novice Melee player that pretends to understand the game on a deeper level than he/she actually does. Can usually be identified by their choice of low tier characters and their severe misinformation about the game.
Jesse: "This guy picked Kirby against a PR'd player and got destroyed, then tried to give advice to the PR'd player!"
Dane: "That guy is a textbook Hallway Roy. You should avoid him."
by Misnumber June 22, 2016
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A large collection of annoying misfits occupying the hallways of your high school. Typically they are sitting, running, kissing, listening to music directly in your path and are of general annoyance to everyone.

Hallway rats can easily be identified by overly baggy sweatshirts, clusters of people sitting and obstructing your path, anybody who has their headphone's volume cranked high enough so the whole hallway can hear them, two lovers who cant break apart making out in the hallway, or any group of white kids who hang out in the hallways and try to look gangster.
On my way to englsh class i had to carefully walk through a group of hallway rats who all decided to sit down in front of my classroom door.

Some scraggy looking hallway rat ran straight into me in the hallway and made me drop my books.

An annoying hallway rat was walking in front of me in the hallway with his music cranked up way too loud.
by machisimobadass January 21, 2010
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that bitch christina is a HALLWAY SMUT. no one wants their hot dog down her hallway.
by AZNxinvasion January 25, 2011
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A person who sneaks out of class to eat fruit gushers in the bathroom
Look at Tyler leaving class, such a hallway warrior
by March 21, 2017
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A common occurrence in school and workplace hallways in which the two (or more) participants strafe from side to side trying to get around each other, only to keep trying to dodge the other person by going in the same direction as they are.
1. I was almost late to my class because i got in a hallway tango with Jim.
2. I almost fell over when i took a sharp left around a corner only to be thrust into a hallway tango with Johnny.
by xC-Murdahx November 13, 2009
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