The act of hiding from specific people online via instant messanger while being online. Your buddy bar that other people view show that you are not currently online but really just ghosting.
Dude how did you just message me? Oh I am ghosting from Ryan, I don't want to go with him surfing this weekend.
by Dpeezy September 19, 2006
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The art of stealing from someone directly without being seen by anyone at all. The perfect crime, the perfect theft.
Example 1.
Daniel fucking ghosted that asian kids cellphone without being seen by anyone while in a crowd of 20 scene kids.
Example 2.
Man that scene girl and her friends are fucking stupid, I'm ghosting her ipod.

by mopeman September 9, 2008
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spamming peoples wall or news feed with the word "Ghosts!" and responding to any questioning comments with the same word in the attempt to haunt facebook, more effective when coordinated with another ghoster
Bob: I'm eating pie :)
Billy: Ghosts!
Joe: Ghosts!
Ben: Ghosts!
Bob: are you guys Ghosting? :)
by QTghosts September 23, 2011
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The act of covertly observing other people having a good time - due either to shyness or creepiness.
Man: "Dude, did you see Kierston watching all of us from the bushes last night? That girl gives me the creeps..."
Dude: "Yeah, Man, she was totally ghosting our party!"
by NHalex April 27, 2013
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The act of hiding while a friend is having sex in the same room. As your friend didn't tell you to leave, and you are stuck there till your friend is done fucking, as afraid of being seen by the girl.
Dude...I was hanging out with my friend and he brought a girl up to bang without telling me, and I had to wait there ghosting for hours.
by littlelago January 9, 2014
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Two more definitions.

1. (verb) Ghosting : When you have a TV with a crappy rabbit ear antenna and the signal is a bit off and you see some 'ghosting' on the screen.

2. (verb) A Computer geek term refering to the Software Ghost used to backup computer hard drives and make images. Especially useful when backing up a drive that will not boot properly. Also used to make images for distribution.
1. Doug, I cant stand watching TV at your house, that ghosting crap is lame.

2a Well that users machine doesnt boot anymore but I'm ghosting it up to the server right now.

2b Her workstation should be ready in about an hour, I'm ghosting the image down now.
by Davey Jones July 12, 2005
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When you wrongly assume that your cellphone is vibrating, as if it is getting called or texted
I thought I felt my phone was vibrating, however, it was just my keys ghosting me.
by MarkOpfell September 14, 2008
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