An enlightened person who knows everything but has nothing better to do with their live. They never tell anyone because they would think they where lying or insane.
Next time you go and get gas ask the gas station attendant a question they tell you either:
1) that they don't know - but they actually do or
2) an answer in which you don't know weather they are lying or not
by edggya June 22, 2009
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African Americans that attend to low key gas stations to hang out at because they think it's cool and live off the system.
No job, no car, he just a Gas-station-gorrila
by DigiTroll September 24, 2017
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The act of inserting one's own penis into the anus, then proceeding to urinate until the intestines fill or bladder empties.
Guy #1: I'm from Jersey, I've never pumped my own...
Guy #2: Don't worry, I'll show you how to use a Pennsylvania gas station.
by fuckkko January 14, 2011
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When you take peanut butter m&ms and pour them in your partners vaginal cavity, continue intercourse and crush the m&ms with your penis until your partner is ready to suck the peanut butter off your dick.
“Mmm I’m so full of peanut butter m&ms from that Texas Gas Station we just did.”
by Audgepodgebigodge July 14, 2020
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the dirty ones and fives you receive back in change from the Arab or Mexican gas attendant
I went to get change back from the Arab gas attendant and he gave me all these dirty one and fives, fuckin' gas station money
by mbp4me November 24, 2013
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A gas station offering consisting of a hot dog on a stick coated in corn bread batter and deep fried to perfection. What, you were thinking it was some horrendous sex act? You're a sick fuck, you know that?
Jordan tried to trade me a gas station corndog for my truck. At first I thought he wanted to do bad things to my penor, but it turns out he is just poor as fuck and offered a corn dog for my truck.
by Nsomniac June 15, 2016
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Noun, sex act. When out of desperation two men share an encounter with a drug addicted prostitute inside a gas station restroom.
After striking out at the club all night, Craig and Max decided to cut their losses and swing by Circle K for a gas station sandwich, before going home to their wives.
by Studmaster Nate June 5, 2022
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