the art of bending one over the knuckles (the things that hold the train togather) of a stopped train and screweing the shit out of them and finishing before the train takes off and kills you.
pam was looking good at work today so after work we went to the bar and ended up knuckle fucking.
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The act of fisting a girl when she's on her period.
I gave the missus a crimson knuckle-fuck last night.... it got messy.
by L1feLus7 April 1, 2009
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This happens when a person that you are finger fucking .....with one finger.....your finger fucking finger....gets off when you only stick one knuckle in and they orgasm.
She's a one knuckle fuck!!! I didn't even get off!!!
by JoeyBomm July 12, 2020
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When another person, or animal, licks peanut butter off your balls while you jerk off.
Man, my girl gave me a peanut butter knuckle fuck last night.
by Britt Charnock March 6, 2017
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When someone is about to get their lights punched out directly
"He about got knuckle fucked in the cock sucker after he said that scandalous shit"
by jonesinj December 31, 2011
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noun: knuckle-head

a stupid person.

adjective: fucking

used to emphasize or express annoyance with someone or something.

noun: chuckle-head

a stupid person
Going opposing traffic with lights and sirens whilst the oncoming traffic does not pull to the right and stops directly in front of you with a deer and a head lights look.

by doitonlan_ February 21, 2021
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A large, ignorant and lazy individual with poor hygiene. Smells like they haven’t wiped their ass since the 8th grade.
“Good job fatty fuck knuckle, you spilled your drink on me!”
by Jack Mahaugov September 16, 2022
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