A large woman with dimply,stank tits that happen to be large and flappy
Wow your mom has insanly large "flubber cups"
by minTncoffe July 24, 2008
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This is much like Jizz but it is not quite. It has a jelitan like consistancy and if you blew it toward a wall from the errect penis it may very well bounce back.
Damn man, I flubber jizzed in my bathroom the other night, it bounced off the wall and went threw the window.
by Dude who kows things January 29, 2012
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Someone who sticks their hand up their butthole and pulls out poopoo
You're being a real Flubber Dubber.
by Big Boy Monster March 4, 2022
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flubber pussy is when you have sex a lot and your pussy starts to become loose(sags) and looks a little like a camel toe.
Dude, i fucked this girl last night, and she had flubber pussy.
by AFIMFC April 16, 2007
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When a girl masturbates and forgets/refuses to clean up. By doing this, she makes a second layer of skin on her vagina.
Dude, I was totally about to bang Jessica last night, but she had cunt flubber all over her pussy.
by Barnabee December 15, 2013
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a fat person with a dirty mind, usually full of admiration for the office swamp cougar
I wish that flubber grubber would stop turning every comment I make into an innuendo
by Kirky100 September 20, 2010
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Flubber Muffin can be used to describe extreme discontent. Often used when a person is raging. It's rumoured that this word originated from the first Viking incursion into China.
Oh FLUBBER MUFFINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Bob the Builder September 9, 2004
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