Donald trump is a racist homophobic sexist bitch that has no Idea what he is doing
Me: Donald trump is a homophobic racist sexist rat and he is an orange 🍊
by Kây August 28, 2020
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some big idiot the color of a navel orange who became president to promote his MAGA hats for rednecks.
one of the biggest consumers in the spray tan industry is the man himself, Donald Trump.
by nilgurpety March 18, 2019
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A pice of shit who needs to be kicked out of office. A waste of space and a racist asshole.
Donald trump sucks ass and you should go vote for Biden.
by Urmomlovesme4206969 September 1, 2020
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unfortunately, our president in 2020. he's also a homophobic racist pedophile ;)
look it's donald trump! mom i'm scared.
by that one girl who's bored. August 3, 2020
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daddy donald, our racist ass cheeto puff. a white supremacist who doesn’t know anything about politics or how to run a country. :)
daddy donald trump did it again
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