Sleeping with girl from a foreign country as a means to learn her native language.
After fucking that chinese girl for months, Andy now speaks perfect mandarin. Man, long-haired diplomacy is better than Rosetta Stone!
by guailo laoshi October 19, 2011
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The act of giving your mother-in-law a red sofa as a gift only to take it back (or attempt to) many years later.
Neon Dale is a master of red sofa diplomacy because she vainly tried to take back a 7 year old red sofa that she gave to her widowed mother-in-law.
by Dread Raffles August 3, 2012
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Also known as the big stick policy, this was the foreign policy popularized by the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt in 1901. Essentially, one's assets were used to intimidate opponents rather than one's words.
"Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far." - Theodore Roosevelt, 1901

"I firmly believe in and practice big stick diplomacy when pursuing life goals."
by H.M.S. The Leopold December 29, 2009
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Trump-China Diplomacy is a form of fallacious logic/diplomacy applied by Trump to blame China for any/all of the shortcomings of the United States global and economic policies. This form of logic appeals to the idea that Americans are being overtaken by China on all fronts, and is used to blame China for the downfall of American infrastructure, technology and the economy while avoiding valid questions entirely. Used without supporting facts, evidence, generally instills hatred against the Chinese while widening the diplomatic gap between our nations and provides no effective solution or approach to fix the problem in question. Not to be confused with actual, evidence based facts of how the Chinese are abusing American Economic Policies for their own benefit.
Speaker 1: How would you seek to promote the economic growth of the United States and its markets abroad?
Trumpian Speaker: The United States used to be a great country! We had exports to almost every part of the world. But now, nobody wants to buy our products! China's market has grown exponentially greater than ours! They are destroying our economy! I looked at my toilet paper this morning while I was using the restroom, and it said in fine print along the border "Made in China". We need to do something about this Chinese threat! And if you elect me I will fix this, I guarantee it!!

Savvy American: This Trump-China Diplomacy is sure to bring disaster to our nation.
by dreamx87 February 14, 2017
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A politically correct phrase denoting a group or party which has been sent as a diplomat into a foriegn state or nationality for diplomatic or conservative purposes. see prophet, diplomat
Biblical: 'Moses was a prophet in favor of Katrina Diplomacy policies...'

Economical: 'The brokers rallied in favor of the Katrina Diplomacy tactics...'
by Habatchii September 26, 2007
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The passing on of bad news while sharing a delicious treat, hoping the listener with not fully grasp the news. A gastronomic smokescreen.
The seventeen year old boy employed the proven technique of Chocolate Cake Diplomacy, and told his parents that he had knocked up the neighbor girl, while serving them slices of a delicious, three layer chocolate cake that was " this high!".
by ElCommissioner April 21, 2017
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