A super cool human being. Someone who will see the good in you even if you are extremely annoying. Super talented but likes to pretend she's not. Really sporty and will actually backflip across a stage but still insist she's not a performer. She's hilarious and can make anyone laugh. She's real and not afraid to and express her opinions. She cares a lot about her beliefs and will fight for them.
by Sunflower83837839 November 22, 2018
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an amazing girl who usually hangs out with stoners and other strange people, but lives a good life of her own. she is an amazing girlfriend to whoever she may be dating. she loves to snuggle, and is a perfect girl if your name is tyler.
by hahahahahahano January 6, 2010
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To get your shot blocked by a teammate in hockey.
Man 1: Aww man you just darbyed me. I was going to score a goal too.

Man 2: Sorry man, I always learned go to the net and good things will happen.
by ericbrat20 April 1, 2011
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"Come along Molly," said the bobbie after she was cornered, "let's have 'e hands so I can clap the darbies on ye, then down the station well go."
by k9quik November 28, 2009
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The act of sitting alone in your room, looking out the window at everyone else having fun and wishing someone, anyone liked you.
Guy 1: Dude, what does she mean?

Guy 2: She obviously wanted to fuck you no strings attached.

Guy 1: I don't understand.

Guy 2: You are totally darbying. Nice fail.
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Not so much a street name in a pimptastic southern NC city as it is a state of being, commonly associated with a certain "swagger"
Dem Boyz on Darby are wild and out of control. Gettin all crunk and hoppin bout to rap music all nite
by Bork August 4, 2005
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A chick from Florida who randomly changes subjects.
by KageGamer February 15, 2004
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