Thug wannabe adolescents that present obvious stunted growth (short height, mental handicaps) from a likely deficient diet and improper mannerisms such as name calling once a safe distance away from the target.
I cretin might say:

Yo, this 50 cent is da bomb. I'm gonna go skateboard back to my crib, make a bowl of Trix cereal, and listen to dis. Hey, somebody yell "faggot" at that guy we walked past 500 yards ago.
by Nomad78 March 24, 2010
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1. a person who has retarded mental and physical growth.

2. an insult for somebody who acts like a douche
1. hey! look at that guy over there! he can't run, what a cretin

2. uh! tammy is such a cretin!
by thelegend1234567 October 22, 2010
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An affectionate term, used on things like small woodland creatures.
by cretin2 April 29, 2009
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Sland term invented by greasers in the Late 1960s/early 1970s to describe someone that is stupid. The word spawned from Lincoln high schools greaser crowd,directly from my father

Literal definiton:Crazy Retard
Peter:Look at the cretin over there
Willy:Yeah he's dumb alright
by ModRock123 April 19, 2006
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Said to someone to express annoyance or a friendly way to insult.
Anna, you're so slow you cretin.
by Amy January 6, 2004
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vanessa mcgee is very cretinous
hi cretinous gflkwegjklefjglkefjgkletfjhklgjhlgklj
by glen January 27, 2005
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