term used when someone constantly looks at the same person's facebook and stallks their life like they're in a relationship, but aren't. then trys to decide who is/isn't allowed to be their friends. when in actuallity the one they creep on is in love with another person. and they know it.
i dont even know youu! stop facebook creepin!
by DVPstalker November 16, 2010
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stalking people on facebook for hours on end. usually you do not know the person and you stare at their pictures and want to suddenly be friends with them. it is just a symptom of the excessive use of facebook.com
i'm creepin the book as we speak.
by ecoch November 10, 2008
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1. Regularly invading others' privacy in a strange or uncomfortable manner. To "creep" consistently. Often done on the internet via Facebook or Myspace.
2. Invading one's personal space. Based on the phrase Keepin it Real
"Hey what's Craig been doing all day?"
"Dude, he's been creepin' it real on Facebook for like 5 hours."

"Yo check out that guy staring at the camera, just creepin' it real in the background of this photo"
by C Wyse April 25, 2008
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Stalking known or unknown persons on Facebook for any extended amount of time.
"Man, I'm late for work, but I can't stop creepin' the book."

-"What'd you do all night?"
-"Eh, I crept the book, found some new friends"
by Kevin R Miller February 3, 2009
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a. using facebook as a method to find out information on a certain person.

b. stalking a person via facebook
so i was creepin' the book to find out if kyle would like to go to prom with me...

facebook stalker creeping
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Looking for eye candy; searching for good looking women or men.
You can catch me candy creepin every Friday night.
by porschebeanna October 2, 2015
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when someone is consistently creepin on things that are goin on in your life
Missy is constantly creepin it real at work.
by smitty_oh_6 December 1, 2008
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