A dot-shaped nub located in the vulva above the vagina and labia minora, but below the labia majora and covered by a small hood of skin for protection against over-stimulation. The clitoris is extremely sensitive and is the primary means for a woman to achieve sexual pleasure (although vaginal orgasms are also possible for some women). When the human female is sexually aroused the clitoris fills with blood and the many condensed nerve endings become even more sensitive, whereby enough stimulation of the clitoris can result in a female orgasm, which releases the pressure by means of .08 second apart contractions throughout the vulva.
If you want a women to experience orgasm you may which to stimulate her clitoris manually, with a vibrator or with your tongue.
by entry_grrl July 17, 2005
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Source of unbelievable pleasure in a woman. Looks like a tiny pink Smartie.
Mmmm... very lickable...
by Alianne September 8, 2003
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the female organ whose purpose is sexual pleasure.
If you seriously can't find the clitoris, you're either 15 years old or gay.
by STEVE April 6, 2005
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one main sexual organ in the female vaginal area; the organ that causes the orgasm
after sex, the girls clitoris jumped with excitement
by anonomous April 16, 2003
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When you touch a girl's button she says ooooh!
by Punkette December 26, 2002
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