An incredibly boring school located on South Park street in Little Rock that's actually two schools in one. One features AP courses taught by brilliant teachers and is populated by Asians, Arabs, a few token blacks, and white kids who wear Sperrys/Uggs. The other is taught by coaches and angry old ladies and is almost completely black, with some exceptions. The school is currently run by a woman named Nancy who is quite fond of acting like a complete moron/bitch when the media is not looking. Oh yeah, the school gets attention from the news sometimes because, I don't know, it's historic. One of the Central student's favorite past-times is pretending they're better than other people because we have history or something.
Historic Little Rock Central High School is one of about three things to see if you're vacationing in our city for some strange reason.

At Central, our security guards are too fat to walk
by Waldorfastoria December 31, 2011
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The UN of all high schools. You will find every race here. A mix of a lot of cultures. A pretty chill school with good sports and hot girls. Located in winterville nc just outside the city of greenville.
by Terrance Made-Up August 30, 2008
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you U S C united we stand. A school were the jock and the burn outs PLAN a fight at lunch. Where the prettiest girl turns out to have a burn book that she keeps in her locker for others to find. A place where you can tease the teachers and not get a detenion but say ur gay, retarded or go to the bathroom to long and end up having to serve a lunch detention and eating a flipping cheese sandwich. A school where you casually walk late into a class and the teachers dont say anything but when its someone they dont like they get in trouble. Where every guy is a closet case gay because they think its fun to grope each other. USC is an esay place to tell the jocks from the nerds, the preppy (to god damn happy) girls from the not so preppy ones, and the drama freaks from the druggies. Some how we all are the same when it comes to some kind of illegal activity. Small town community where everyone knows everyone and everything about them. Hard to not have the word spread about you when theres a town gossiper in every family.
"Finding a burn book is so United South Central High Schoolish"
"You know who had a good football season USC"
by fruitloopy April 1, 2010
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The biggest school in Little Rock, AR. Has almost 3000 kids who go there.

Also where the Little Rock Nine attended school.
I go to Little Rock Central High School
by Jade Skarsgård July 13, 2011
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The best school in the state of Michigan. Everybody thinks that CC kids are cocky but when they see all the academic and athletic excellence, they tend to shut up. Nobody can talk smack straight to a CC guys face. Thats why they talk trash behind their backs.Only public school guys hate CC guys. The girls love them.
Public School Guy : CC is cocky
Detroit Catholic Central High School Kid: Look at the banners
Public School Guy : Sorry, i cant count that high
by CC Guy123 July 19, 2010
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A school where the security guards are obese and dont actually do anything
The security guards at Little Rock Central High School are obese and need to be replaced
by static099 January 24, 2021
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