A TV channel which hosts cartoons 24/7. During the last few years, it's gained some controversy for taking away some popular shows (such as Dexter's Laboratory and Samurai Jack) and replacing them with what many people believe to be "unimaginitive pieces of crap". However, they still host some really good shows such as "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends", "Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy" and "Teen Titans".

Also, while children and young teens can enjoy cartoons playing through the day aimed at them, a feature called "Adult Swim" plays through the night, with many mature shows for, yep, adults.

I think Cartoon Network will continue to thrive, but can it improve, find its way back to people and erase some controversy?
Guy 1: Cartoon Network's quality's starting to drop, don't you think?
Guy 2: At least we've got Foster's Home
by DudeWhosJustABitNuts August 5, 2006
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A channel on TV devoted to showing animated shows. During the day these shows are aimed at children. Later on you get a slightly older crowd and a lot of anime. Starting at 11 each night (except Fridays) you have adult swim, which is a block of programming devoted to animated shows targeted at the 14+ category.
Cartoon Network is a pretty good channel. It is better than Nickelodean (though I still think Nick's good) and adult swim is the best.
by Newbia September 2, 2004
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a network that takes anime and censors it for content because they are dumbass conservatives. Takes rip-offed action shows from WB like Xaolin showdown. Replaced classic cartoons like dexter's lab and jonny bravo with gayass shows like my gym partner's a monkey and hi hi puffy ami yumi. They turned ed edd n eddy into shit because they had to make the characters go to school. They censor billy and mandy and foster's home for adult content (for the same reason as anime). Adult Swim USED to be good with ATHF and Futurama, but now they have queer shows like robot chicken. They even put a gayass dipshit preschool block called Tickle U which pretty much ruins the entire fucking schedule. Pretty much the most pathetic excuse for animation ever made.
Cartoon Network best unfuck themselves or I will unscrew their heads and shit down their necks!
by meh June 30, 2006
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a fucking piece of lame-ass shit network that hasn't shown a really good show (without franchizing the shit outta it) since before that gay-ass show hamtaro

some of the greatest shows to ever show on cartoon network were thundercats, sailor moon, mobile suit gundam/gundam wing, the first parts of DBZ, the original episodes of dexter's lab, the old ed, edd & eddy, trigun, cowboy bebop, grim & evil(maybe the grim adventures of B&M), samuri jack, and a few more i cant think of now

there is only three good shows left on cartoon network, all shown in adult swim(becoming increasingly gay every new series they air). these shows are futurama, ATHF and the boondocks. (no family guy is not really cool any more because they fucking overplay and whore the fuck out of it.) i seriously hope that the cartoon network exutives all fucking die in their sleep at the same time so that more show concious ppl will take over
my god Cartoon Network sucks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by angus BEEF!! April 15, 2006
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Idiotic station that replaced cartoon cartoon fridays with the idioticly gay and baybyish Fridays, which, instead of showing Cartoon Cartoons shows boring 2-hour episodes of horrible anime like Pokemon "the movie" 2000
When will Cartoon Network take away the Fridays ****!
by asdklf; hdopf iophaops May 25, 2004
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A network that's reminds lots of people of their child hood when it first came out, now it's barley making it through with only a couple good shows supporting it. But when cartoon network was at its golden stage it aired

The grim adventures of Billy and mandy
Fosters home for imaginary friends
My gym partners a monkey
The Power Puff girls
Courage the cowardly dog
Code name kids next door
Scooby doo
Ed ed and eddy
Dexters laboratory
Johnny bravo
(The old) tom and jerry
And a a lot of good anime shows
Now in my opinion its shows airing today are not nearly as funny, or entertaining as the old classics.
(Kid)- hey I love that they "brought back" teen titans on cartoon network as a show now this generation has it
(Me)-*sobs* you'll never understand
by relatable February 20, 2015
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The thing that’s KILLING Cartoon Network!

Read this to THE END.

Better known as CN Real, it's nothing but a block made by NEW Cartoon Network President Stuart Snyder (Man who is bent on canceling ALL animation on Cartoon Network for Live Action) that features reality shows and live action which are rip-offs of other shows. It aired on July 17, the day Cartoon Network lost its pride.

Survive This, Destroy Build Destroy, Othersiders, BrainRush, Bobb’e Says and Dude What Would Happen.

As many people know, four of these shows are rip-offs are four shows.

The Othersiders is a rip-off of Ghost Hunters because the adults on Ghost hunters searched for ghosts before Othersiders. The teens on Othersiders get scared so easily! It has to be fake. BrainRush is a rip-off of Cash Cab. Who else answers questions while on moving equipment to get money? With other people on the rides screaming to the heavens, how can you fully hear the answer? All that screaming is giving us a headache!! Survive This is a rip-off of Survivor because adults are the ones who survive the wild first. The host of Survive This is harsh and the kids on there are annoying. Survivor did the whole voting off thing first. Destroy Build Destroy is told to be a rip-off a series called Junkyard Wars. I never saw Junkyard Wars before, but I bet it has something to do with building and blowing random objects to smithereens.

The only difference is that these CN Real shows use kids and teens.

Bobb’e Says and Dude What would happen are not released yet but I but those shows will suck just as much as the other CN Real shows. They might be retarted.

We also don’t need nor want a REAL Version of Scooby-Doo. It started out as a cartoon and it should stay in cartoon version.

I hope Slamball stays cancelled. That was so off putting sports shows on a toon network.

CN stands for “Cartoon Network”! CN Real which is “Cartoon Network Real” makes no sense!

Like all off you, I saw The Cartoon Network city bumpers. And yes, that girl is right.

This is Cartoon Network.

CN Real is evil and it’s a disgrace to The Cartoon Network Name!

Cartoon Network should never have real live shows on their network. Kids should have a few networks full of Cartoons and Anime. Reality Shows and Live Action Shows that use kids and teens should be on Discovery Kids Channel. It was stuff like Fried Dynamite and Out of Jimmy’s Head that sucked and got cancelled for using real people throughout the whole show. The Flicks aren’t good because they show a lot of reality movies and the afternoon missions suck because they make the kids look and act so retarded.

We are able to stand Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, 6teen and Stoked because even though they relate to real life a lot or are reality shows, they are ANIMATED. I hear Chowder and other animated shows are gonna be cancelled and done because of Stuart Snyder and his stupid CN Real Project. He’s probably the reason we don’t have Toonami and Epic and Cool Anime like Naruto, Sailor Moon, Hamtaro, Blue Dragon, Tenchi Muyo and One Piece and Hilarious Cartoons like Powerpuff Girls, Dexter’s Lab, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Kids Next Door, Camp Lazlo and Cow and Chicken are not shown.

Also that “Hearing What I Said” music video is stupid, insulting and wrong. Just because times changing doesn’t mean cartoons are making us left behind. And yes Andrew W.K., on Cartoon Network we except to see nothing but animation. That means Cartoons and Anime ONLY.

If CN Real continues any longer, sooner or later, they might actually bring back Out of Jimmy’s Head and Goosebumps, ONLY reality movies will appear, Cartoon Network will become CN Real Network and our childhood network will die! Worst of all, little kids who like funny and comical violence won’t have a network to watch it all.

On Cartoon Network Video, all animation videos will go away in 2010 and I fear our Cartoon Network games will be next!

For Youtube, people posted rants and CN Real hate comments were posted on CN Real related videos. Many forums such as Gaia Online and TV.com took on this subject saying how bad it is. We contacted Cartoon Network but they ignored us.

Stuart Snyder, Andrew W.K. and The whole CN Real crew and the people who made the CN Real shows… stop plaguing Cartoon Network with your reality crap. Go on some other network that’s in love with reality shows. It never will belong here.

If any anti-CN Real fans are reading this, tell other people on sites like YouTube and TV.com and other forums and video sites to find this, rate it and stop CN Real from murdering our childhood network! Find as many forums and CN real haters on there and Youtube as you can.

Also go to www.petitionspot.com and type CN real and press enter in then search the site.

Stop watching CN Real and Cartoon Network.

Thanks for reading. Death to CN Real and Life for the ANIMATED Cartoon Network! Anime and Cartoons on Cartoon Network only! Toonami must come back and no more real movies and real shows on the network! The madness must stop now!

Thanks for reading!

Cartoon Network Real makes me puke.
by Anti CN Real August 10, 2009
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