1. The president, and a very moonstruck one at that.
2. A disgrace to bushes and all alike.
3. The biggest mistake.
1. Justin: Damn, Bush made me feel smart.
2. More trees, less Bush.
3. Damn I might have flunked that test, but did you see Bush on T.V. yesterday?
by Myst November 16, 2004
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A moronic, chimpanzee like creature that bought his way into the White House. He makes a mockery of the English Language. Has several DUI arrests and is known to insult other cultures by asking questions that a child, who doesn’t know any better, would ask. He also has the I.Q. of a garden snail.
by Jon March 14, 2005
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1) moronic, war-mongering, trigger-happy, lazy, manipulative, stuck-up, homophobic, lying, Republican asshole

2) Great band known from songs such as "glycerine", "swallowed" and "greedy fly"
1) I love bush he's an awesome president *friend walks by with t-shirt saying "I hate Bush"* I hate bush, he's such an ego (*cough hypocrit*cough*)
2) "don't let the day come byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, glycerine......."
by Ine/ dude, the cheese February 22, 2004
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1. Person who gives the greviously unintelligent a bad image.
2. Misguided leader
3. War criminal

(from recent historic events)
1. "Look at that bush trying to fit his hummer into a compact spot"
2. "Our boss is such a bush. He wants us to delete active client files in order to make room for more clients"
3. "Man, Slobodan Melosevic is a hiddeous bush"
by Fatty Closendorph February 23, 2005
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1. An easier target than an Afghani red cross.
2. A man beaten by the most boring fuck on the planet.
3. A puppet
4. Enjoys oil, civilian murder, and lots of it.
5. the biggest douchebag in the universe.
Bush!? insert profanities here
by Cresswell October 11, 2004
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1. A former President of the United States who was universally-disliked when he was in office

2. To have utterly dropped off the radar.
Me in 2007: "Bush, you fucking asshole! You and Cheney have ruined the economy, involved us in some shitty war, and pretty much fucked over my future. Good job, prick.'"

Me in 2012: "Bush? That one guy who was President for eight years? What's that guy up to these days?"
by Politically Inept December 23, 2012
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see retard, faggot, ape, bigot, daddy's boy, warhead, cheater, and ass.
all of the above. i wonder if anyone could think of anything good that has happened since bush' election?
by Greg B August 20, 2005
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