affectionate term for a bro, dude, guy, man, chad
Frank: "What up broski? How you livin?"
Steve: "Just chillin; you know me broski."
by J.Cain June 4, 2007
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Kazimierz : Hey broski, how are the pierogis?
Rafal : Not bad broski, i'm diggin the cabbage.
by Polski Broski December 13, 2007
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affectionate term for a bro, dude, guy, man, chad
"This is my awesome little broski, Shan!"
by t112 May 12, 2010
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a subtly outlandish lie told about something or someone, similar to a prank
"did you know Jonathan stuffs his shoes to make himself taller?"
"no fucking way thats so funny"
"yeah he has a specific toilet paper he uses so it absorbs his foot sweat"
"hahhaha no way I'm dying"
"lol broski"
"fuck you"
by htrizzle June 6, 2014
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The lengthened form of the word "bro," which is the shortened form of the word brother. The word broski refers to a good friend and is only to be used in conjunction with the word brewski.
Yo, broski! Toss me another brewski.
by Meister of the Jager February 26, 2005
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A 'bro' that you drink brewskis with.
Hey broski, you wanna drink some brewskis later?
by Top broski June 24, 2010
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Men who run in 'packs' with other broskies, especially at work & 'out on the town'.

A broskie fabricates exploits with women in order to fit in, ironically unaware that, in reality, his fellows are equally unsuccessful with women.

Broskie packs often employ a 'bro-hoe', typically the Alpha broskie's girlfriend, through which the others can vicariously experience relationships.

Broskies tend to overdress and cultivate immaculate 'GAP model' beards or, failing that, make prodigious use of hair product in order to get that devil-may-care yuppie look.

As their main drive is gaining acceptance, they constantly seek to impress the Alpha . Being sexually insecure, broskies will always avoid questions regarding their homoerotic clique structure.
"Whoah, it must be 'Salmon-color Shirt Day' for the Broskies"

"Uh oh, looks like the Alpha Broskie forgot to take his No-Xplod this morning!"

"Looks like the broskies brought their bro-hoe along for lunch / the bar / the club"
by WizardPickle September 29, 2009
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