Is basically a high ride, driving around in the middle of the woods and farmland smoking weed for miles. Being stoned and trying to find your way back to where you came from on narrow gravel roads in the middle of nowhere, for fun.
Dude, i feel like going on a boonie right now.

I only know my way around the boonies if im stoned.

This is the longest boonie ever.

Lets go out to the boonie roads and ride slow.
by rep8371 January 27, 2010
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A good old country boy who believes in always doing the right thing.
May or may not also be an ordained minister.
He's a good man, he's a boony.
by Reverend Boony December 8, 2008
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1) a person similar to one found on the show The Boondocks.

2) a person who acts very ghetto and talks with strong slang
by J haz November 2, 2010
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The conjunction of boobies and poon aka vagina. Not just one of the two, it's both.
"Did you see her boonies?"
"No just her tits."
"Then it doesn't count."

"We've had sex, but she won't show me her boonies."
"Man tough break, you're not really livin'."
by ksheree February 21, 2009
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A Skinny Girl With An Nice Ass And Good Tits
"My Girl Ashley has Boonies"

"I Like a Girl with Good Boonies"
by WhiteBoiCrusty February 25, 2016
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your shirt is very boony today
by sarah August 19, 2003
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