1. a clean alternative to bitch if you're talking in front of your parents
2. a word to use if you are taking up a bet with a friends to speak in a British accents all day
1. Girl #1: "Girl #3 totally stole my boyfriend!"

Girl #2: "Girl #3 is such a bitc-....biscuit!"

2. "Would you mind handing me the biscuits, love?"
by willowire July 31, 2010
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a person without arms or legs
i just got some new midget porn where this dude does a biscuit
by manrilla14 November 26, 2003
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1. A noun meaning a helpless idiot.

2. A person incapable of using their brain.

3. A person who accepts mediocrity and defects.

4. A person/thing trying to blame others for their faults.
1.That biscuit doesn't even know how to turn on a camera!

2. 2 + 2 = 5 right? Wrong, you are such a biscuit!

3. 100 defects in a row? Wow, what a biscuit!
by waterhole101 July 1, 2012
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A couple of friends trying to convince another friend into buying a plasma TV would say - Lets put a biscuit on Anju to buy a plasma TV.
by dj78 October 16, 2008
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Popeyes bless your soul with these biscuits
popeyes bless yo soul with these biscuits aaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh
by robzerger February 27, 2017
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the comparison of hitting someone with a combination or flurry of punches, usually 2 or 3 hits, with a personal fried chicken meal of the same number of pieces.

Because a 2 or 3 pc. meal usually includes a biscuit (among other things like a side dish), "with a biscuit" makes reference to this indirectly. This exclamatory term was coined by MaSTA SoLIDUS, and is usually used in multiplayer action games, or while watching anything where a person/party is hit with a combo of punches.

Sometimes contracted to just 'biscuit' or 'the biscuit'.
- "With a Biscuit"

- Man he tried to duck, so I caught him in the stomach...two piece. With a biscuit.

- All he does is give them the biscuit when he plays Gears of War.

by MaSTA_SoLIDUS October 10, 2008
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A rebuke for ill-considered or unsuccessful behavior; often, a parody of the phrase, "Bad dog! No biscuit!"
A website devoted to bad writing and its prevention:
"Bad fanfic! No biscuit!"

A math teacher to a class:
"No! No cancelling across a plus sign! Bad algebra! No biscuit!"

A blogger about his slow computer:
"Bad network! No biscuit!"
by Amar Nagesh May 18, 2009
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