Bitch in the Box-like a jack in the box- you never know when she's gonna pop up.
Put the BIB (bitch in the box) Back in the box. BIB BIB.
by marty1358 August 25, 2009
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Guy 1: sorry bro i cant chill i gotta go to church
Guy 2: why
Guy 1: because i have to pray to god
Guy 3: what a bib
by iDRAIN0 September 27, 2009
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Guy 1: Did you see that pedo that was on the news?
Guy 2: Yeah I heard he was a bibs
by Bolosack November 16, 2020
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a thin sheath, usually of very thin rubber, worn over the penis during sexual intercourse to prevent conception or sexually transmitted disease.

"No bib, no love."
"You aint gettin in, with out your bib on"
"I don't want a mess... you should probably wear a bib"
by Shane L November 23, 2006
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A term used to describe when a friend comes over to your party, plops himself at your serving table, and proceeds to eat directly off the serving platters. This typically occurs at a baby shower where said friend omits to bring a gift other than his ginormous gut (aka- SCSG "Santa Clause Sized Gut").
Bagels: Haha, did you hear Chi Chi did not bring Pillz a shower gift?

Jr: Good lord.

Bagels: OMG check it out! Chi Chi is over there BIBBED UP at the friggen kitchen island where they are serving all the food. What a disgrace.
by l337c0d3d00d August 30, 2013
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Bitch id bang, Brotha id Bang
Example one: She is a bib
Example two: Larry, " Hey Bob check out that MILF
Bob, "Larry that is not a MILF she does not have a kid!"
Larry, "HUH?"
Bob "Shes a BIB, A bitch Id bang!"
by nuperio December 1, 2009
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dude, i heard matt barbian loves wearing the bib. he wears it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
by briankelly January 18, 2011
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