something some one says when they are shocked at what you just said
Dead Baby jokes.
Racial Jokes.
MILF Jokes.
Jesus Jokes.
(Man 1)how do you stop a baby from cawling around in circles.
(Man 2) How.
(Man 1) You Nail the other hand down.
(Man 2) That is so fucked up, you make the baby Jesus Cry.
by Crispy6983 May 11, 2006
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A person who (cries) or (complains) about every aspect of their (job) at (work). So much so that it often appears as though the only thing the do in a day or get paid to do in a day is to (complain). Most often accompanied by a series of heavy (sighs) and (crocodile tears) which can be produced on command to suit the situation at hand. Tears are used when the maximum amount of (guilt) is required to ensure (sympathy) is displayed by their (coworkers).
Did you hear about poor “so-in-so”, she was told that she could not go to the kitchen for her 2nd (feeding) until (break time.) But don’t feel bad for her, she is a (“Professional-Cry-Baby”.)
by The Wonder Girls March 3, 2010
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Someone who complains and cries about everything and anything in their life to whoever will listen.
I bumped into a bitch ass cry baby at the store. Took me 20 minutes longer just to grab some bananas.
by TwoBrosOneCup July 16, 2020
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Its the little kids who are fat as fuck and they cry cause they dont get what they want... usually food
BABY: I want cookies
MOM: Your not getting them
MOM: SHut the fuck up you cry baby fat ass
by Big- D August 8, 2008
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1: Someone who complains or whines excessively.
Can also apply to females by shorting it to just "cry baby bitch"

2: A Male who shows strong emotion or stereotypical feminine qualities.
Stop bitching and moaning about everything you "cry baby bitch boy"
by MR-T.bone August 10, 2007
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The harshest, most severe insult you can hurl at someone on GroupMe. A comeback used when you have nothing more intelligent to say, can't think of a witty comeback in an argument, and a last resort for most but a first resort for certain badass Chemistry majors in the state of Arkansas.
Wes: Bro, you ran the same play you always run, scrambled around for 37 seconds in the backfield, launched it 67 yards downfield, made a diving one handed catch, and converted the 4th and 24. That's some bull shit and you know it.

Freddie: Cry baby ass nigga
by Mr. Make it Rain on Dem February 17, 2014
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Someone who gets butthurt easily by an opinion of others(when it doesn’t even target them)even though it’s straight facts.
Damn I can’t believe Urban Dictionary didn’t post my definition I guess the people who read it were being too busy being pansy ass cry baby bitches that they couldn’t handle a honest definition.
by Rach9797 July 29, 2020
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