a disgrace to music in general,an upmost wanna-b, utterly butchered the brilliant song fuel by metallica, gives people who skate a really bad name- 'oi!!! skater-boi'wtf does that mean!!
Avril lavigne-'crawl back under the rock from witch u came from
Avril-the wannabs that should crawl back under their rock
by ur nan October 1, 2005
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1.A rock star that makes genuinely good music, has quite a few dedicated fans and has made mistakes.
2.The ultimate insult. It can mean anything negative because she is a celebrity who did not do everything right (I'm not saying she did not make mistakes she could (and should) have avoided, i am merely saying the media would post pictures of her picking her nose everywhere or in the shower if thats all they could get. (not all the media, just enough).
1."you rock avril!" or "you suck avril"
2."you are such and avril."
by Butterfly_Fox...Not! October 15, 2006
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A 'singer' who only ever wears clothes from Hot Topic and claims it's punk and spends all of her time singing about how much her life sucks.
'Hey, it's the new Avril Lavigne album. Even more songs about hating men. It must be punk, because we say it is!'
by Evil Twin January 14, 2005
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A pop-punk singer created by a record company to make themselves millions. Although hated by the majority of people with a brain (and those who like to think they posess such a thing), they succeeded in their mission.
Often hated by people who like to put themselves on a peddlestool and exclaim that they know "the true meaning of punk!"
Also french for April.
"Wow, She's mass-produced, and because I'm a struggling muscisian, that means I am so much better than her!"
"'Now class, what is the french word for April?'
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Avril in the French-Canadian language actually means "April". I don't know of any "Punk-rockers" named April. Besides not being able to sing live, she shouldn't be covering any artists! Like Blink182 "All the Small Things" or Green Day "Basket Case".

I also read in a commentary that she never skateboarded or snowboarded in her life, it was propaganda to promote her new CD, back when she first came out. When the producer asked her to skate in on the opening of "Complicated" she freaked out because she had never done it before.

Avril knows that she's hated so much that's why she fell out of the media. Do we know where she is now?
Avril did a photo shoot for major magazines, one magazine showed her and about 3 fake tattoo's that she was showing off. During Avril's "Basket Case" cover she messed up the lyrics, didn't move around the stage at all, and was trying way to hard to look punk.
by Rusty Stranger December 11, 2005
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okay....here it goes...i dont even know what im going 2 say about avril....but i just wanna voice my opinion...okay: i dress alot like avril except 4 the tie-thingy...okay once i wore a tie somewhere and kids and parents were like ...''why the heck are u wearing a tie''...i was like'' my grrrreat idol avril does'' psssh...noone cares about ties..and i realized that trying 2 be like her wasnt working...i still dress the way she does ,but not because of her...okay her are the trues and the not trues..... 1. avril is a poser..-true. 2. avril sings like....uh...sh!t.- true. 3. avril lies about her fans and her life- true..4.avril claims to be ''punk'' and that she wouldnt be caught in a belly shirt- lie! she wore one...i have a picture of it. 5. avril does set a role model theme for many young girls - true...poor kids. 6 avril was seen drunk and making out with a friend or the same sex- TRUE!!! 7.avril dropped out of school in high school and never finished ..''tisk tisk tisk'' never graduated---TRUE ONce again! . ...a role model huh..? u wanna be her role model now? ....but there are ''some''(like one..haha) positive thing(s) about avril ...1. she is from canada!!! yay ! canada...rock on..(i am 1/2 canadian)...and the other thing is she dresses sortof ''good'' for being a pozer..-...sadly true......lets just admit it avril suxx...but never fear avril ...u can always look in the mirror....that is her only friend...if the mirror wont ...break.
(avril shouldnt be making millions..to spend on her black nail polish(i have worn it ),converses (yes they are cool),and other ''garb''she might don.
by avril lavigne September 10, 2005
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A wonderful friend you could ask for like seriously. Have a deep passion for arts or anything aesthetic pleasing, would always be there for you and would always include everyone in a conversation. Oh and she’s a hoe too and a good one! :D
Avrille, this one for you my dude -SNRZ
by DASH ON CRAC November 1, 2019
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