
A wonderful friend you could ask for like seriously. Have a deep passion for arts or anything aesthetic pleasing, would always be there for you and would always include everyone in a conversation. Oh and she’s a hoe too and a good one! :D
Avrille, this one for you my dude -SNRZ
by DASH ON CRAC November 1, 2019
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the over-the-counter name for ibuprofin
i had a headahce,but then i took two avril's and it was gone
by no wait....Avril's a dog January 15, 2005
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One def. of "Avril" is is the month "April" in the French language. However, "Avril" is also the 1st name of the pop/rock singer Avril Lavigne, originating from Napanee, Ontario, Canada.
1.) Let's make a rendezvous in Avril... (lol, I sound bad at French; I don't know hardly any words.)

2.)Avril Lavigne is one of the coolest singers ever!!!!
by Elizabeth September 3, 2004
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Pop musician singer diva chick lady.

She writes pop songs, and "dresses punk," to the dismay of many people in the true punk scene (AKA elito-conformists).

Although many people call her a disgrace, you cannot "dress punk," because punk is a lifestyle and a decision, not a fashion; therefore, there is nothing wrong with her; I also don't believe she claimed to be punk, and if she did, who cares?!
SLC: I don't like Avril too much, she's kinda like every other pop diva chick.

Elitist: I hate Avril cuz she thinks she's punk

Teeny: I love Avril, look at how hardcore I am now

Normal person: Who cares.
by SLC September 16, 2005
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Someone who went with her own style and got labeled a poser. Funny how quick people who say they're against labels slap labels on people, huh? fscking hypocrites. Punk isn't about how you sing or dress, punk is about being yourself and not conforming yourself to the way other people want you to be. And as soon as somone comes along that actually doesn't conform to an expected singing style, all the self-proclaimed 'unconformists' slam her for what she likes. She didn't cause the downfall of anything, maybe she only exposed the hypocrits in the punk community. The Ramones did plenty of 60s pop songs, but come on! They were one of the best punk bands of the 20th century. You don't have to like her (I think her voice is... less than perfect) but if you're going to not like her, don't do it for a reason that's so popular, like the label of "poser." She didn't ruin punk, it's still a great form of music.
"OMG avril is a poser. :O ::turns on Good Charlotte::"
by Carrot May 7, 2004
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The beauty of avrilation is that something can be continually created from nothing.
It's a marketing theory that runs against every law of physics that anybody knows, but it works because of the other law that states "there's a sucker born every minute".

The theory states that:
There is always someone who will hand over good money for a product that is worthless, even if it is created from another product that is worthless. In the process, those involved will be provided with real money that allows them to gather a very nice lifestyle and some things that are probably not schlock, thank you very much.

The product can be anything - a singer, a perfume, a keychain, item of jewelry, etc. - but is always schlock with no value in and of itself.

The marketing is always accompanied with at least one example of a lack of integrity that the victims will never see.

The term is derived from the marketing of Avril Lavigne that continued with her own marketing of herself to promote products that are associated with her for marketing purposes, etc etc etc.
Miley Cyrus would be nothing if it wasn't for avrilation.

Avrilation makes the world go round. Unless you're real.
by fronkzippo June 11, 2010
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She stands up for what she believes in and no record company can make you something your not. Considering she switched record labels more than once because they were tring to make her someone she was not. And how many other artists actually write their own songs, play piano, guitar, and drums. Not many especially not many 20 year olds. So no matter what you may think or be jealous that she made it and you didn't dont disrespect her for doing her thing and doing it very well.
Avril Lavigne is a person who is herself, and has put her career from the begining in jeapordy because of that mentality that being an individual is more important than following a record companies beliefs.
by Sven November 1, 2004
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