When someone litterally, ballistically produces shit that of an ape.
"When I brought my report home, in which I had flunked all my subjects, my parents went Ballistic Fucking Ape Shit on me!"
by Tjoppie July 28, 2015
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1. n; a person who scratches his or her body constantly like an ape.
2. a person who always begs for food and takes your drink without permission
1. fuck! that shit ape won't stop scratching himself!!
2. shit! Randy is such a shit ape! he took my food again!!!
by Alex,Sam,David,Ernest November 4, 2008
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When someone goes ape shit mode on another person as a means of sexual assault
My daughter got ape shitted on and killed herself.
by Terrence Williams September 24, 2019
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So let’s just put it as this. We all know the definition of ape shit. It obviously isn’t a literal expression. But in this case it is. So basically this means an ape shitting in a womens ass hole... or a guy 😏
Ohhhh fuck.. harambay ur shit feels so good in my ass hole ur really doing ape shit anal.
by Fagotfuckerclitdaddy January 19, 2021
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Ape shit- This nigga josh mersky who has a fat fucking ass and walks like the gay dike he is. He forces girls to hook up bc no one wants to. His victims are always scarred for life but his assburgers disease shit doesn't allow him to come to his fucking senses. he literally looks like a chimpanzee with the lips of a baboons ass. He's also autistic and some other weird retarded shit.
girl1."omg did you see josh at that party last night?"
girl2."yeah fucking retarded ass nigga couldn't fit through the door bc of his fat ape shit ass."
by dickmedowndaddy 2.0 May 20, 2019
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