contrary to popular belief, Anarchy is not a world without politics persay, it is a world with different politics. where people live as they want.
a factory in argentina was supposed to be shut down. the workers took it over. (minor example of anarchy)
by boipuso February 23, 2009
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no form of government associated with punk. something Avril and gc know nuthing about. Sex pistols are anarchy not those mother fuckers who shop at hot topic
by Sid is a vampire hahaha November 21, 2003
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The aboltion of all large scale goveremnt, esp. to the point of non-existence

{note: large scale goveremnt referes to city state vs. nation state, not totalitarian verse libertarian}

as interepted by the ignerent, choas
by Isaac July 8, 2003
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a response to something that is completely idiotic, unmatchable, indefinite, not pair able, lacking truth, fake, or seems like it doesn't go together.
Situation: A picture of a Jew(Elvis), committing the Nazi salute, in front of a Christmas tree.
- Elvis: "This is irony at its best!"
- Matt: "No my friend, this is Anarchy!"
by bam, brand, kyle December 10, 2008
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Duing stupid stuff do disobey the government or authority.
Anarchy: Pissing off mall cops, Tipping over park benches, Throwing rocks at squirrels, Molly whopping someone.
by qdoubleu December 29, 2011
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Lack of government. Anarchy dosn't necissarily mean chaos. Just that there are no rules. A state of anarchy never lasts because it usualy causes a survival of the fitest situation in which the weak fallow the strong, and a form of government is formed. Anarchy can exist, but never for long, and is a part of the natural cycle of government.
Under the Articles Of Confederation the United States could not hold up a militia. Because of this a period of anarchy brought about Shay's Rebellion. The government had now power to repress it. After this the constitutional convention was held and it was decided that we needed a new government based on strong national government rather than strong state governments.
by Ice Cold Anarchy January 19, 2006
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All of ou fuckig posers that buy the shit from Hot Topic (owned by Abercrombie) are not anarchists. Its not chaos but rather a way of life that people share there labor for other needs. So stop getting shit from that damn store and realize that anarchy will never be again. Ever. Get over it.
Person 1: Awesome, some shoe laces with the a. Im buying them.
Person 2: Fucking retard. Dont support this damn corporation. (Boots him in hte face and makes him bite the curb haha)
by RPtheFP May 24, 2005
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