Alistair is a very sexy prince and needs to get 150 followers on insta it is definitelynotprinceali so hit or miss and I’m already tracer
by definitelynotprinceali January 18, 2019
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Alistair is just an amazing guy he brightens up ur childhood and is just really fun to be around he usually has short black hair and amazing black or brown eyes he gets all the girls an is really handsome Alistair is also really smart and probably smarter then most he’s also amazing at all sports and has brilliant fitness
Alistair is leng still I need him.

Did u see that guy I bet u his name is Alistair.

Yoo this Alistair guy is funny!
by ThisKidSick August 23, 2020
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Alistair, just a fed really
Look at that Alistair..
Yeah, defo a fed.
by BossmanDan December 15, 2020
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person 1: omg can you smell that?

person 2: on god, it there must be an Alistair around.
by SpiderWebb2.0 August 7, 2023
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A guy who is so cool that he makes Elon Musk seem like a Chad (which is one status below "Giga Chad"). An Alistair might seem like his Schlong is only 17", but in actuality, it is 40". It is also a well-known fact that anyone who doesn't like an Alistair will suffer the wrath of the shrexy Poseidon. Alistairs usually have a bank account with numbers ranging from 15-80 zeros. They also make a living off of signing people's important possessions. I mean, who wouldn't want their baby to be signed by an Alistair?
Do you see that guy, Alistair? He's a Giga Giga Chad.

Yo Alistair, sign my dick!
by Not Alistair March 4, 2022
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An Alistair is a man who was immediately granted the powers of God at birth. He is always born to be the coolest, handsomest, mostest professionalest bowler, street fighter, and/or baker. Anyone who intends to hurt an Alistair will be smited by Alistair due to the mere thought. All Alistairs have an average GPA of 19.7, and are right below Cithulu in the food chain. All Alistairs are awesome as balls. They also reach maximum capacity schlongs at the age of 9.
Don't look Alistair in the eye; He'll fucking kill you.

If I don't pay Alistair the money I owe him, He'll break my face.

Alistair found a penny on the ground but then lost it so now He's looking for me because He needs something to punch. h e l p m e
by Not Alistair November 24, 2021
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Good At football. Can do you all up in a bunch together. Likes punching people.
Stays personal. Keeps confined. Hates when people call him something that he's not. Makes random jokes that ARE NOT FUNNY but does it consantly which makes it funny. Likes to fight. Can smite u if you say no. Likes to mess around. Is fast. Hates a particular primary school person. HAS FRIENDS NOTIN ELSE
Alistair Hates Teacher = alastair getting detention = alastair = alastair breaking out of univesity and high school.
by Alistair Sudo 123 February 7, 2022
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